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12 uses of hydrogen peroxide you wish you knew before


Most people use hydrogen peroxide to mend and disinfect small wounds and minor cuts. This chemical can be also found in some bleach and teeth whithening products. It will come as a surprise the fact that this compound has several other uses that you never knew especially when having a bottle of hydrogen peroxide somewhere in your home. Here are 12 uses of hydrogen peroxide you wish you knew before.

1. Kitchen glass cleaner

Use hydrogen peroxide to clean glass surfaces, stove tops and mirrors. Simply spray the compound directly onto the surface and use a lint free cloth to wipe away the dirt.


2. Countertops disinfectant

Microbes can easily spread in your kitchen especially on your countertop, spray hydrogen peroxide onto your countertops to instantly kill the micro organismes.


3. Cutting board cleaner

If you don’t clean your cutting board properly it can be a host for germs and cause some real problems. Use hydrogen peroxide to clean and disinfect your cutting board and kill the dangerous bacteria.


4. Produce rinse

Dip fruits in some hydrogen peroxide for a couple of minutes then rinse it in clean water. For most people this will come as a surprise but hydrogen peroxide is totally safe and suitable for produce cleaning.


5. Refrigerator cleaner

For a bacteria clean kitchen, the refrigirator should be one of your focuses when cleaning. Spray oftenly the interior of your refrigirator with hydrogen peroxide, let the compound soak for a while and grab a clean cloth to remove crud to fully disinfect.


6. Pot and pan degreaser

When you are dealing with crud that is hard to get rid of, mix hydrogen peroxide with some baking soda until you make a paste, then use this blend to rub away dirt and grim. Let the paste sit on the stains for a few minutes and scurb it with a sponge and warm water.
